Sunday, January 24, 2010

January 11, 2010 E-mail

"What is your mission policy about parents coming to the country to pick up missionaries? Is it done? Would you want us to?”

Yeah it’s done here and there, but to be honest I would prefer not. Especially if I’m gonna come home a few weeks earlier. Because you will want to go to Roatan, and I will not be allowed to swim or scuba so I’d miss out on all of the attraction of the island that I already missed out on. If you want to we can come down here for Christmas time to meet everybody? That´d be fun.

Thank you, dad, for the wonderful sports update and the great recap of the cards game. I’m delighted to hear that old man Kurt still has his heat. (And people say he should have retired after he won a Superbowl, and in the meantime the Rams haven’t had a winning season since he left......)
Congratulations, Caitlin for the shut out on the varsity game.

And now for the story of the week—I have two words for you--dog bite. Oh, yeah, it happened. Don’t worry; it wasn’t anything big, no blood, no rabies (it’s a members dog), and, yes, I kicked it very hard several times.
This dog tries to attack us when we walk in the house, but they held it back. Then, while in the house, it snuggles up next to me and lets me pet it, but when we leave they forgot about the dog. As I was opening the gate it came up behind me and bit me on my left calf just below the knee (ripped my pants a little). I screamed out (without cussing, I might add), and then tried to kick it. It dodged the first, but I faked on the second and waited for it to dodge and followed through hard to the chin. It kept barking so I repeated, kicking it once again in the bottom of the head. It kept barking so I did the same thing, but this time hit it in the sternum knocking it over so that it cried and ran away. Yes, it’s true.

Other than that, nothing to report. It’s been really cold lately (for Latinos and gringos alike), but I’m no longer sick. I’m on some antibiotics still and some allergy pill. We still don’t know what the cause of the huge lips could be, so we went to the doctor a few weeks ago and he said, "bueno de verdad podría ser cualquier cosa en mi opinion como profesional..." which, interpreted means, "well, it could be anything in my professional opinion." Thanks, doc..... big help.

Just working hard and trying to be like Jesus.

Love you guys!!! Peace!

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