Wednesday, November 25, 2009

November 9, 2009 E-mail

OK, last week there was no time ‘cause we were recording a rap song. It’s called "We Be White." It’s about being a white missionary in Hondo. It’s pretty sick.

So we baptized the last three weeks in a row, and for this month we have 4 baptized, and like 8 with baptismal dates. We’re on fire up in here. So as for stories, I have a few. But first I thought of some small details that I don’t believe I’ve ever shared, like showering out of a bucket every single day of my life. But here’s something you’ll really enjoy: I have learned to make flour tortillas with my bare hands. I’m pretty good actually. Another random fact: they drink something here called Avena. Ring any bells? It’s oatmeal, but like a cold juice. I’ve been drinking it for a year now and love it, but I wasn’t sure if you all knew or not.

OK, here's the story of the week. I’m gonna do a quentin terrentino on it. She screamed, "POOOPPPP!!!!" Let’s go back to the beginning. We were sitting teaching some of our coverts and one has a 1 year old, very needy, boy. Big time attention seeker. He always wants to be breast-fed when we are there just to prove that he is more important than we are, but this time she was kind of ignoring his crying for ten minutes or so. My companion was teaching, and I was watching him when I did a double check that they were all paying attention, and I see the little boy trying to touch his mother’s face with something--something that looked an awfully lot like poop. It was. So I said," pooop..." and pointed at which point the turd falls from the boy’s finger and on to his mother’s lap, and she screamed, "POOOOOPP!!!" and freaked out and went and bathed the child (who had pooped himself and only wanted his mother to change him). And I almost puked.... that’s the story of the week.

I have a favor to ask though. ¿Could you guys email me some pictures of the bug? I wanna see how the progress is coming. Thanks! Tell everybody that asks about me that I say hi specifically to them!

Love you!

Oh, I almost forgot. Something bit me this week and my face swelled up like in Hitch! Wait till you see!

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