Sunday, December 7, 2008

12/1 E-mail

OK, big email time!

After I was done emailing last week, I had the rest of my p-day in a different area. It was pretty sweet! Elder Tzuban and I pretty much just wandered around and ended up at a really cool member’s house and just chilled there. The members had lived in the states for 9 years so they spoke perfect English and perfect Spanish. So I understood everything. Haha. Then we worked his area for the next two days. We had a reunion de zona and Elder Flores got back Wednesday, but was still entirely sick (and still is). So we’ve been having divisions almost every day so I don’t go crazy just sitting there. So that’s ok.

This week has flown by for sure. Yesterday before church another investigator was baptized. His name is junior and is the greatest guy. As soon as we found him he realized that he wanted to change his life. He had problems with things but dropped them all cold turkey because he knew the church is true. Love the kid. Oh, and he’s only 17.

Yesterday was elections here and as such we weren’t allowed to leave the house after church, which meant we cooked for pretty much the first time. We are pretty sure that Elder Flores is going to have a change to be closer to the capital and the doctor’s office, and we might do a week long division with one of the assistantes del presidente so Elder Flores can recoup and Dolores doesn’t die in his absence and mine. Hope everything’s good at home!

Love, Elder Arntsen

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