Sunday, July 18, 2010

June 28, 2010

Letter for Grandma Della:
Dear Grandma Della,
I wanted to take this opportunity to cordially and lovingly thank you for helping me to serve the Lord with a full time mission. My time is coming to a close now and I have been working as hard as I possibly can to be able to bring souls unto Christ, and I feel successful. I hope all is well with your recovery. My prayers are with you. I know that the gospel is true and that the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ sacrificed himself as ransom for us all. I now have a testimony of The Book of Mormon; it is the word of God. It, more than anything, is what has allowed me to understand the fullness of the Gospel of Christ. I love you very much.

Elder Arntsen

Elder Brown and I are working super hard and have found a way sweet family of 4 from Spain that have come to church for two weeks in a row now. They are way sweet and intelligent. So we are going to baptize them in a few weeks. Apart from that it’s been a challenge lately to find people to teach, but we are working super, super hard to find 'em, and we are. What’s going on in the world these days? Hope all is well!

Elder Arntsen

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