Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March 15, 2010 E-mail

OK here is that family story. We dropped one but the other one is getting baptized Sunday morning before church. It’s a family of 7, and they are goldens. Incredibly awesome. They all came to church and we showed them the baptismal font, and they were all really excited. Then, as they were leaving, the dad pulled us aside and asks, "Do we need to be married in order to be baptized, cause we aren’t married..." yeah... they had lied to us because their kids don’t know that they aren’t married yet. So we convinced the stake president (who is a lawyer- the church has no power to marry here) to marry them on Sunday morning. Now we are on a mad rush to get all of the paperwork done by Sunday. But this family is so worth it.

We are pretty sure that president is gonna pull me out of the area in the changes next week. This is what he said to me, "le voy a sacar de su area" he never tells us what he is gonna do, but I guess we´ll find out if he does it. He believes that the dust makes me sick (well it doesn’t help), on a side note, you would be surprised how dusty it is in this country. With all the humidity you´d think that there wouldn’t be dust at all, but there is tons. Plus the humidity makes the dust thicker so it rests in your lungs making it difficult to breathe (I am over exaggerating... ). So it looks like ill have a change next week. We’ll see...

I’m planning on getting my GPA up. But I really need to start choosing classes too by the way... could you look into that for me please? I don’t have the leisure of free time here.... I need to take Spanish 3?? Something or another for the RM´s get started in math and sciences as well. And for now let’s go with physics teaching major and Spanish minor so could you please keep being the best mom in the whole wide world and help adjust my class schedule? Avoiding the morning hours because lacrosse practice is from 7 am to 9 am now. Every day so the earliest class should be around 10 am or later. Thank you!!!

That’s all for now! Love everybody!

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